كورسات برمجة

اشبال مصر الرقمية

مراكز تعليم برمجه

مبادرة مستقبلنا رقمي

ملف كامل عن طرق وتطبيقات تعليم البرمجة للاطفال

أفضل مواقع تعليم البرمجة للاطفال

تعليم البرمجة للأطفال سكراتش

مراكز تعليم البرمجة للاطفال في مصر

free code camp

computer science

منحة وزارة الاتصالات

programming courses

online courses



مصر الرقمية

مبادرة أشبال مصر الرقمية

موقع مصر الرقميه

udacity login

udacity classroom

مبادرة وزارة الاتصالات

منح وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات

code org

Parenting & Coding

One of the most important jobs parents have is preparing their children for the day when they will leave home and enter the “real world".
Parenting is not an easy task , it makes us always ask: Have we done enough for our kids?!!!

We need to get them prepared for future and to enjoy their childhood as well. We can achieve both by learning CODING.

By Coding you can:

  Unleash Kids Creativity

  Build their character

  Best Time utilization

  Help Humanity

  Early job opportunities

تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics


تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
      Learning By Doing
      Having Fun
      Up To Date Professional Courses
      Regular Assessments & Feedback
      Professional Instructors
      Clear & Complete Learning Plans
      Market Level Graduates
      STEM Complaince
      Professional tools
      Creative Thinking
      Self Learning & Research Capabilites
      Problem Solving
      Fruitful Assignments
تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics


Each track is divided into courses.

Each course target certain knowledge.

  "Empower" Track

  "OMEGA" Track

  "GOLDEN" Track

  "MEGA" Track

"Empower" Track

One of the most amazing and attarctive tracks that all ages should explore.
It is the gate to the technology and programming world
In this journy, student will travel between many applications , create differnt apps , make circuits and enjoy animation.
      Scratch 1&2 Total:24hours
      App inventor 1&2 Total:24hours
      Arduino Total:12hours
تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Discover Technology World
 Develop Your First Game
 Learn Programming Basics
 Develop 12 Fruitful Desktop Games
 Enjoy 10 Fruitful Assignments
 24 Training Hours
 12 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Discover your Mobile
 Develop your first Mobile App
 For both Andriod & ios
 Develop 12 Fruitful Mobile App
 Enjoy 10 Fruitful Assignments
 24 Training Hours
 12 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Discover Electronics and Micro processors
 Develop your first program to control things
 Learn text programming
 Develop 12 Fruitful program and circuits
 Enjoy 10 Fruitful Assignments
 12 Training Hours
 6 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


"OMEGA" Track

All people are looking for this course. they are curious to learn robots and internt of things.
We feel astonished when we see robots move , talk and interact.
In this journy, student will assemble the robots , learn sensors , and perform missions.
Sundents will explore the world of Internet of Things (IOT) , construct models,and monitor/control through mobile.
      Robot Total:12hours
      IOT Project Total:12hours
تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Assemble your robot
 Learn sensors and motion mechanics.
 Hands on Lego kit
 Ready for competitions
 Perform 6 robot missions
 12 Training Hours
 6 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Construct your model
 Install Sensors and motors
 Laser cutting
 Bluetooth interface
 Perform 6 workshops
 12 Training Hours
 6 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


"Golden" Track

In this journy, student will travel through a complete , professional , and simplified track
Student will learn how to construct and style websites.
Then how to make it dynamic and interactive using Javascript.
Student will develop project database and learn how to manipulate.
Finally student will learn how to create webserver , send/receive requests , and connect webpage to the database.
By the end of this track, student can build a complete website; FrontEnd and BackEnd.
Student can start exploring frelancing world , start real life, and promote his/her work.
      HTML & CSS Total:24hours
      Javascript Total:24hours
      SQL Total:12hours
      NodeJs Total:24hours
تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Build complete web page
 Style web page
 HTML tags
 Grid and Layout
 Color , fonts, backgorund
 Border , overflow, margin
 Anchor, entities
 Fontawsome , selectors
 Audio, Video, Iframe
 Table , form , inputs
 Animation and keyframes
 Bootstrap and ready to use template
 24 Training Hours
 12 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Programming Fundamentals
 variables , constant , data type
 Mathematical and logical operators
 Conditional coding
 String operations
 Array and Object
 Date and Time
 Document Object Model
 24 Training Hours
 12 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Entity relationship model
 Build Databse , tables, fields
 Datatype and constrains
 SQL Create
 SQL Read
 SQL Update
 SQL Delete
 12 Training Hours
 6 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Domain & Host
 NodeJs & Express
 Create Server
 Connect to Database
 Execute Queries
 External and Local API
 Perfrom basic database operations
 Build Complete project
 24 Training Hours
 12 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


"MEGA" Track

In this journy, student will develop mobile application using Oracle jet.
Then how to integrate the application with the website and database.
Finally student will develop Mega project that cover all aspects.

      OracleJet Total:16hours
      Mega Project Total:24hours
تعليم برمجه و روبوت للأطفال Programming and robotics
 Develop Mobile app
 Use OracleJet cross platform
 Integrate mobile app with website
 Develop MEGA project
 40 Training Hours
 20 Sessions / 2 Hours Per Each


كورس تعليم البرمجة للاطفال

تعليم البرمجة للأطفال

مراكز تعليم البرمجة للاطفال

اماكن كورسات برمجة في مصر للاطفال

ملف كامل عن طرق وتطبيقات تعليم البرمجة للاطفال

أفضل مواقع تعليم البرمجة للاطفال

تعليم البرمجة للأطفال سكراتش

مراكز تعليم البرمجة للاطفال في مصر